Christmas & easter greeting cards campaign
christmas and EASTER GREETINGS CAMPAIGNs 2023/24
Around Eastertide ACAT UK publishes a list of people around the world to whom we specifically write to Christians and as Christians - expressing to them the Hope of the Resurrection.
We supply a list of individuals and Human Rights Groups to whom it is possible to send specifically Christian Easter Cards.
For this campaign, which is published every year in November, we suggest that you write a simple card or greeting to an individual saying, for instance, that you are thinking of him/her and/or perhaps urging them not to lose hope (or words to that effect). A picture postcard is always welcome and cheapest to send. You can include your name and address (if you wish) but we ask you - please not to mention ACAT or include a religious greeting (if so advised,) as communication from a foreign organisation can endanger the prisoner and lead to harsher sentences. Several individuals featured in our last Christmas Campaign have been released. Sadly others are still in prison and it is important not to forget any of them. As usual, we include a selection of rights groups.